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Editing Services

I am an experienced and multi-skilled copy editor and work by contract for businesses, individuals, authors, potential authors, and publishers. I have over 20 years of experience with words in editing, writing, and management roles. My broad background consists of key positions within business, state & federal government, and the military—sectors where I have learned much about how the workforce and world operate. I use this wealth of knowledge and skills as I assist clients, and I edit a variety of information that needs to be presented concisely and correctly to others.


  • businesses, I specialize in editing internal/external communications, sensitive documents, and customized projects such as proposals, bids, and marketing collateral.


  • book and media publishers, I help their teams as a copy editor and offer last edits before the book or publication goes to market.


  • individuals—including authors and soon-to-be-authors—I offer polished copyediting for print or e-books; this increases the likelihood of acceptance for publication and success in the marketplace. Editing assistance is particularly available for frequently occurring writing projects, such as those in the workplace or college. If you have written something, I can improve it by editing it.


  • everyone, I extend an expert's copyediting assistance that puts a required finishing touch on any project prior to final publication. My assistance includes support with style, logic, content, grammar, and spelling.

I offer help with most writing projects; my copyediting experience and specialties are in nonfiction, business, nonprofits, military, and healthcare. 

All discussions with clients and potential clients are strictly confidential. 

For more information on Randall, please visit his LinkedIn® professional profile or follow him on đť•Ź. You can also email him, and he will personally respond to you. 

© 2011-2025 by Randall D. Ponder. All Rights Reserved.